Prettycare Vacuum Brush Not Spinning| How to Fix

The Prettycare vacuum brush may not be spinning due to various reasons. To fix this issue, check the floor type settings, remove hair and debris around the brush, and replace the damaged or worn-out brush roller. These steps apply to most Prettycare vacuum models and can be fixed by contacting customer support.

keep reading the article for a deep and step-by-step solution

Reasons Why Your Prettycare Vacuum Brush Not Spinning

When your Prettycare vacuum brush stops spinning, several common causes could be behind the issue. Understanding these reasons can help you quickly identify and fix the problem.

REASON 1-Loss of Suction Power:

Loss of suction power can also contribute to the Prettycare vacuum brush not spinning properly. When the vacuum does not have enough suction, it may not be able to effectively pull in debris, leading to a lack of spinning action in the brush. This can be caused by a variety of factors, such as a clogged filter, a full dustbin, or a blockage in the hose. Checking and addressing these issues can help restore suction power and, in turn, allow the brush to spin as intended.

REASON 2-Strange Noises:

Strange noises during the operation of a Prettycare vacuum brush can be caused by foreign objects, worn parts, misaligned components, or motor issues. These noises can range from grinding to high-pitched squealing. Addressing these issues promptly can prevent further damage and ensure the smooth operation of the vacuum.

REASON 3-Incorrect Floor Type Settings

Selecting the wrong floor type setting on your Prettycare vacuum can affect the brush’s spin, causing inefficient cleaning. For carpet vs. hardwood floors, the carpet setting may cause the brush to spin too quickly or slowly, leading to inefficiency.

Incorrect brush height adjustment can also affect the brush’s ability to spin and clean effectively. Additionally, using the wrong floor type setting can cause damage to both the floor and the brush.

REASON 4-Broken Brush Roller:

A broken brush roller in a Prettycare vacuum can cause the brush to not spin properly, affecting the vacuum’s ability to pick up debris efficiently. Common issues include wear and tear, blockages, and physical damage. Over time, the brush roller may wear down due to improper cleaning or tough debris.

Debris or hair can also get wrapped around the roller, causing it to become stuck or unable to spin. Physical damage, such as dropping the vacuum or hitting furniture, can also cause damage. Inspect the brush roller carefully and replace it if necessary.

How To Fix A Prettycare Vacuum Brush That Doesn’t Spin

Prettycare Vacuum Brush Not Spinning

If your Prettycare vacuum brush isn’t spinning, there are several potential reasons for this issue. Let’s troubleshoot and get it back in action:

Clearing the Airway of a Prettycare Vacuum

  • Inspect the vacuum hose for visible blockages.
  •  Remove any debris or blockages using a long, thin object or specialized tool.
  •  Clean the filters according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
  • Empty the dustbin and check for obstructions. Reassemble the vacuum and test the brush for proper spinning.
  • Clearing the airway can restore proper airflow and potentially resolve the issue.

Adjusting the Height Setting

  • Locate the Height Adjustment Dial on the vacuum cleaner’s body or near the brush head.
  • Refer to the user manual to determine the correct height setting for the type of flooring.
  • Adjust the height by turning the adjustment dial to the appropriate setting or moving the lever to the desired position.
  • Test the vacuum to ensure proper brush spinning and debris pick-up.
  • Proper adjustment ensures optimal cleaning performance and prevents damage to floors or the vacuum.

Check the Belt Tension

To check and adjust the belt tension on your Prettycare vacuum, follow these steps: Turn off the vacuum, access the brush roller and belt, inspect the belt for signs of wear, damage, or looseness, adjust the belt tension by moving the brush roller or motor, and test the vacuum.

If the brush still doesn’t spin, the belt may need to be replaced. Regularly checking and adjusting the belt tension on your vacuum can ensure optimal performance and prolong the cleaner’s life. Refer to your vacuum’s user manual for specific instructions.

Replace the Brush Roller on 

  • Access the brush roller by removing the brush cover or access panel.
  • Remove the old brush roller, if necessary, and carefully remove it from the vacuum.
  • Install the new brush roller, ensuring it’s properly aligned and seated.
  • Reattach the belt to the brush roller according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
  • Test the vacuum to ensure proper spinning after replacing the brush roller.
  •  Regularly check for blockages and clean the brush roller as needed.

How often should I replace vacuum filters?

Vacuum filters play a crucial role in maintaining the efficiency and performance of your vacuum cleaner. Regular filter maintenance ensures optimal suction power and keeps the air quality in your home clean. Here are some general guidelines for filter replacement:

  1. Pre-Motor Filters (Foam or Felt):

    • Frequency: Check these filters every 1 to 3 months.
    • Cleaning: Rinse them under cool water and allow them to dry completely before reinserting.
    • Replacement: If damaged or worn, replace them promptly.
  2. HEPA Filters:

    • Frequency: Inspect HEPA filters every 6 to 12 months.
    • Cleaning: Some HEPA filters are washable; follow the manufacturer’s instructions.
    • Replacement: If non-washable or damaged, replace annually.
  3. Exhaust Filters:

    • Frequency: Examine exhaust filters every 6 months.
    • Cleaning: Wash or replace as needed.
    • Replacement: If heavily soiled or torn, replace.
  4. Carbon Filters (Activated Charcoal):

    • Frequency: Check carbon filters every 6 months.
    • Replacement: Replace them when they lose effectiveness in odor removal.

Remember that these timeframes are approximate and can vary based on usage, vacuum model, and environmental conditions.

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What’s the difference between HEPA and non-HEPA filters?

HEPA Filters:

  • High Filtration Efficiency: Captures 99.97% of airborne particles 0.3 microns or larger.
  • Targets microscopic particles like bacteria, mold spores, and other microbes.
  • Common Applications: Used in air purifiers, vacuum cleaners, and HVAC systems.
  • Maintenance: Regular replacement is required every 6–12 months.
  • Cost: Generally more expensive than non-HEPA filters.

    Non-HEPA Filters:

  • Lower Filtration Efficiency: Captures a smaller percentage of particles.
  • Particle Size: Less effective at trapping very small particles.
  • Common Applications: Found in various household appliances.
  • Maintenance: This may require more frequent replacement.
  • Cost: Generally more affordable than HEPA filters.

What’s the best way to clean a HEPA filter?

Washable HEPA Filters:

The best way to clean a HEPA filter depends on whether it is washable or non-washable. For washable filters, refer to the product manual

  • Disassemble the outside
  • Remove the filter
  • Loosen debris
  • Rinse with water
  • Dry completely, and reinstall the filter.

Non-Washable HEPA Filters:

For non-washable filters, remove the filter, use a vacuum cleaner, and reinstall the filter. Always use a filter when operating your appliance. Non-washable filters can be destroyed by liquids like water and soap, so avoid wetting them.

Regular maintenance ensures optimal performance and keeps indoor air clean. It is essential to never operate your appliance without a filter and avoid using liquids like water and soap.


A Prettycare vacuum brush that won’t spin can frequently be fixed at home with a straightforward procedure. These troubleshooting procedures can help you locate the problem quickly and fix it so that your vacuum works again.
Future issues can be avoided by routine maintenance, such as cleaning the brush roller and looking for obstructions. To make sure your vacuum is operating effectively, think about getting expert help if you can’t resolve the problem on your own.

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