Portable Air Conditioner Blowing Hot Air Out Back

On a hot summer day, you will be in the cool comfort of your home opting for refuge with your faithful portable air conditioner blowing hot air by your side, to keep you company. But what meets you turns out to be something different from what you had expected.

Instead of enjoying the expected cool breeze that will make everything good. However, you are now receiving an unwanted hot air blast from the rear side of the AC unit.

Understanding Portable Air Conditioners

Before proceeding further on how to fix some common portable AC problems. Let us first gain insight into exactly what portable AC is and how it works.

Portable air conditioners are used worldwide. Their main purpose is to offer cooling services in a room without necessarily having a central air conditioner system.

To cool your room, a portable air conditioner draws in the hot air from the room and cools it down. Then blows the chilly air back into the room. Nevertheless, in the process of this action hot air is produced. Still has to be combined with the air in the room.

A portable air conditioner’s exhaust is important as it helps in getting rid of hot air removed from a room by the unit. Generally, the hot air is expelled through a flexible exhaust hose. Which can be vented through a window, sliding door, or another designated outlet.

To better understand the operation mechanisms of portable air conditioners and the role played by the exhaust. you will be able to handle better the issues about the one releasing hot air.

Also Read: How to Make a Portable Air Conditioner Colder

Troubleshooting Tips for Portable Air Conditioner Blowing Hot Air

Portable Air Conditioner Blowing Hot Air Out Back

Do not fret if your portable air conditioning unit seems to be spewing out hot instead of cold air. you are clueless about how this should be handled. Here are some guidelines on what you should do to fix the problem and get back to enjoying a comfortable indoor climate.

Portable air conditioners that blow hot air may happen due to factors like inappropriate ventilation or a blocked exhaust pipe. If you apply these steps, then it will be easy for you to find out what is wrong and fix things.”

Check the Exhaust Hose

Inspect your portable AC’s exhaust hose first when troubleshooting before doing anything else. Flee from bendings or folds in the hose that may obstruct the air and hinder its movement. Similarly, make sure; it is connected properly to both the unit and vent and the window designated for this purpose.

  • Secure the hose to the unit and the window/vent properly.
  • Get rid of any dust or other material that may have been collected inside the hose.
  • Remove any twists or turns in the tube for unobstructed airflow.

Verify Proper Ventilation

One more common thing that causes hot air to blow out from portable air conditioners is when there isn’t enough ventilation within a certain room. Make certain adequate airflow within the room where your AC has been placed and it’s not blocked.

  • Remove any objects or furniture obstructing airflow in the area.
  • Curtains, drapes, or other materials that could obstruct ventilation must be removed.
  • You might want to consider the use of a ventilating fan to improve air movement within the room.

Adjust Temperature and Fan Settings

Your portable air conditioner could be blowing hot air. In case you haven’t checked the temperature or fan settings of the unit.

  • This may be a result of setting the unit at a higher temperature or low fan speed. Thereby cycling warm air.
  • For it to cool you need lower temperatures in the AC unit.

This way, adjusting the fan speed at a high rate will help cool it better. You can use these methods to get rid of hot air from your portable A/C unit and bring back the cool performance.


In summary, it can be frustrating to deal with portable air conditioners blowing hot air out of the back. however, you can be able to solve this problem by following the right technical tips to have a comfortable and cool sitting room.

The common reasons for which portable AC units blow hot air like insufficient ventilation or blocked exhaust pipes have been explored in this piece. Understanding how portable air conditioners work can help prevent some of the problems they experience and ensure a long lifespan for your AC unit.

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