Why is My Dirt Devil Vacuum Not Turning On

Have you ever had the moment when you’re all set to clean, but your Dirt Devil vacuum won’t start? It’s frustrating! If you’re asking, “Why is my Dirt Devil vacuum not turning on?” you’re not alone. I’m here to help you figure out why your vacuum is being stubborn.

Think of your Dirt Devil as a team of electric buddies. There’s the power cord and the on/off switch, they all need to work together. In this article, I will be a detective, finding out why your vacuum is saying, Nope, not today.


Don’t worry if you’re not a DIY expert. I’m going to go through it step by step, checking out why your vacuum is being quiet when it should be working.

From the plug to the buttons, I’ll solve the mystery. Whether you’re a DIY pro or just starting, I’m here to give you simple tips to fix your vacuum.

So, let’s start our journey into the world of vacuums, understand why they sometimes act up, and learn how to fix it.

Common Causes: Why is your dirt devil vacuum not turning on?

  1. Power Source Issues
  2.  Cord and Plug Inspection

Power Source Issues: Bringing Light to the Darkness

Check the power outlet

Begin your troubleshooting journey by ensuring the power outlet is playing its part. Plug in your Dirt Devil vacuum and make sure the outlet is live and ready for action. A simple check here might just illuminate the issue.

Why is My Dirt Devil Vacuum Not Turning On

Test with other electronic devices

Don the detective hat and enlist the help of other electronic pals. Connect a known working device, like a phone charger or a lamp, to the same outlet. If they come to life, it signals that the outlet is in good shape.

If not, you might have uncovered the hidden culprit causing your Dirt Devil to stay silent. This straightforward test helps rule out or identify the power source as the root of the problem.

Cord and Plug Inspection: Untangling Potential Snags

Examine for visible damage

Begin your cord and plug inspection by giving them a once-over. Look for any visible signs of wear, tear, or damage. Pay special attention to frayed wires, kinks, or exposed areas.

A damaged cord or plug could be the silent troublemaker preventing your Dirt Devil from springing to life.

Verify proper connection

Ensure your Dirt Devil is getting the love it deserves by checking the connection between the power cord and the vacuum itself. Confirm that the plug is securely and snugly inserted into the designated port.

Sometimes, a loose connection might be all that stands between a dormant vacuum and a bustling cleaning session. This simple step can save you from unnecessary woes and get your Dirt Devil back on track.

Step-by-Step Troubleshooting Guide: Dirt Devil vacuum not turning on

If your Dirt Devil vacuum is not turning on, there could be several reasons behind the issue.

  1. Check the Power Source
  2. Inspect the Power Cord
  3. Reset the Vacuum
  4. Inspect the Fuse or Circuit Breaker
  5. Check the On/Off Switch
  6. Inspect the Motor
  7. Examine the Belt

Check the Power Source

First, check if your Dirt Devil vacuum is properly plugged into a working electrical outlet. Make sure the power cord is connected securely. Try using a different outlet or test the current one with another device. Avoid using extension cords or faulty power strips.

If the vacuum still doesn’t turn on, see if there’s a reset button and press it. Look for any damage to the power cord. If the issue persists, refer to the user manual for help. Check for clogs, full dustbins, or other issues. If all else fails, contact Dirt Devil support or seek professional help.

Inspect the Power Cord

Check the power cord for your Dirt Devil vacuum. Look for any cuts, fraying, or damage along its length. Ensure it’s securely plugged into both the vacuum and the electrical outlet. If you notice exposed wires or other issues, consider replacing the cord to avoid safety hazards.

Reset the Vacuum

To reset your Dirt Devil vacuum, follow these steps:

  • Locate the Reset Button: Find the reset button on the vacuum, typically located on the body or near the power switch.
  • Press the Reset Button: Gently press the reset button. It’s often a small button.
  • Power On: After resetting, turn on the vacuum. If the reset is successful, the vacuum should resume normal operation.

If you need further assistance, refer to the vacuum’s user manual or contact customer support.

Inspect the Fuse or Circuit Breaker

To inspect the fuse or circuit breaker for your Dirt Devil vacuum:

  • Locate the electrical panel in your house where the circuit breakers or fuses are positioned.
  • Look for any circuit breaker that is in the “off” position or a fuse that appears burnt or broken.
  • If a breaker is tripped, switch it back to the “on” position. If a fuse is blown, replace it with another of the same amperage.
  • Try turning on the vacuum again to see if the issue is resolved.

Check the On/Off Switch

To check the on/off switch for your Dirt Devil vacuum:

  • Inspect the Switch Position: Ensure that the on/off switch is in the “on” position. Some switches may have a toggle or slide design.
  • Toggle the Switch: If it’s a toggle switch, flip it to the “off” position and then back to “on.” For a slide switch, slide it to “off” and then back to “on.”
  • Verify Switch Integrity: Check for any visible damage or irregularities on the switch. Ensure it moves smoothly between positions.
  • Test the Vacuum: After verifying the switch, attempt to turn on the vacuum. If the switch is faulty, it may need repair or replacement.

Inspect the Motor

To inspect the motor of your Dirt Devil vacuum, start by allowing the unit to cool down if it recently shut off.

Look for visible issues such as burnt smells, loose wires, or accumulated debris around the motor. Examine moving parts connected to the motor, such as the fan or brush, to ensure they can rotate freely.

After the inspection, attempt to restart the vacuum. If it still refuses to turn on, there may be underlying motor problems that require professional attention or replacement.

For further assistance, consider reaching out to Dirt Devil customer support or consulting a qualified technician.

Examine the Belt

To check the belt of your Dirt Devil vacuum, first, make sure it’s turned off and not plugged in. Look at the bottom part, where the brush is.

Check if the belt looks okay or if it’s damaged. If it’s loose or not good, you might need a new one. Make sure it’s in the right place on the brush and the pulley.

Try turning the brush with your hand, it should move easily. If the belt doesn’t look good, you might need to get a new one and put it in, as the instructions say. Then, test your vacuum to see if it works better.


In wrapping up our exploration of why your Dirt Devil vacuum is not turning on, I’ve covered a bunch of helpful things. From checking plugs and buttons to giving your vacuum a good clean, we’ve tried to make fixing it simple.

And if the DIY road doesn’t do the trick, don’t forget about the experts, they’re there to help. Knowing when it’s time to get their support can save you a bunch of stress.

Remember, your Dirt Devil does more than just clean, it’s a part of your home. Taking a bit of time to look after it means it can stick around and keep your place cozy and neat for a long time. So, if your Dirt Devil ever goes silent, give our guide a go, and let the cleaning fun begin again.

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