Dirt Devil Spitting Out Dust:How To Fix It

If you’ve ever noticed your Dirt Devil spitting out dust instead of cleaning it up, you’re not alone. This common problem can be frustrating, leaving your floors dusty after vacuuming. In this blog post, we’ll explore the reasons behind this issue and guide you on how to fix it. So, if your Dirt Devil is misbehaving and making your cleaning routine harder, keep reading for simple solutions.

Dealing with a Dirt Devil that spits dust is more than an inconvenience. It can affect the cleanliness of your home, trigger allergies, and even reduce the lifespan of your vacuum. Ignoring the issue might lead to bigger problems down the line. Therefore, understanding and addressing the problem is crucial to keeping your living space clean and your Dirt Devil working efficiently. Let’s dive into the details and get your vacuum back to doing its job properly.

 Common Reasons Why Your Dirt Devil Spitting it Out                                           

  1. Clogged Filters:
  2. Full dirt cup:     
  3. Leaking hose or attachments:
  4. Damaged internal components:


Clogged Filters:

Your Dirt Devil might be acting up because of clogged filters. Filters are like the vacuum’s lungs – they help clean the air that goes through. When they get clogged, it’s like the vacuum is having a hard time breathing. Signs of this could be less suction power or even dust coming out.

To fix this, you’ll want to check your filters. If they’re dirty, give them a good clean or replace them if needed. It’s like giving your vacuum a breath of fresh air so it can work properly again.

Full dirt cup:     

Imagine your Dirt Devil’s dirt cup like a bag that holds all the dust and dirt it sucks up. Now, if this cup is full, your vacuum might start acting funny. It’s like trying to eat more when your stomach is full–it doesn’t work well.

To solve this, take a look at your dirt cup. If it’s full, it’s time to empty it. Get rid of all that collected dirt, and your Dirt Devil will be ready to clean up more mess without spitting out dust. It’s like giving your vacuum a fresh start for a clean sweep.

Leaking Hose or Attachments:

Now, let’s talk about hoses and attachments. These are like your vacuum’s arms – they reach out to grab the dirt. But sometimes, they might have leaks or issues, and that can cause your Dirt Devil to spit out dust.

To check, inspect the hose and attachments for any cracks, holes, or loose connections. If you find any issues, it’s time for a little fixing. Seal up those leaks, tighten connections, and your Dirt Devil will be back to grabbing dirt without letting any escape. It’s like patching up the superhero’s costume for a flawless mission.

Damaged Internal Components:

If your Dirt Devil is spitting out dust, it could be a sign of damaged internal components. These components are the engine and gears inside your vacuum, making everything run smoothly. It’s like having a hiccup in the system if they’re damaged.

To check for this, pay attention to any unusual sounds, smells, or changes in performance. If you suspect internal damage, it’s best to consult professionals or the manufacturer for a closer look. Fixing these internal parts ensures your Dirt Devil can continue its cleaning mission without any glitches. It’s like giving your superhero vacuum the necessary repairs to keep it in top-notch shape.

Also read: Why is my Dirt Devil vacuum not turning on?

Troubleshooting Steps: How to Fix Dirt Devil Spitting it Out 

Dirt Devil Spitting Out Dust:How To Fix It
Dirt Devil Spitting Out Dust: Fix It


Now, let’s tackle the issue and get your Dirt Devil back on track.

1. Empty the Dirt Cup and Check for Clogs:

  1. Clear Instructions: To begin troubleshooting, switch off your Dirt Devil. Take a moment to empty the dirt cup, ensuring you’re in a well-lit area. Look inside the dirt cup for any clogs or blockages. These can hinder the vacuum’s ability to pick up dirt efficiently.
  2. Visual Check: Perform a visual check of the dirt cup, examining it closely for any trapped debris. Follow any specific instructions provided in your Dirt Devil model’s manual for proper cleaning. Ensure that the dirt cup is securely placed back into the vacuum after cleaning.

2. Clean or Replace the Filters:

Remember, a clean dirt cup allows your Dirt Devil to work effectively, making sure it captures dirt without spitting it back out.

  1. Specific Instructions: Depending on your Dirt Devil model, locate the filters and follow the specific cleaning or replacement instructions outlined in your user manual. Filters play a crucial role in trapping dust and ensuring clean air output, so keeping them in good condition is essential for optimal performance.
  2. Importance of Correct Filters: Emphasize the importance of using the correct replacement filters for your Dirt Devil. Each model may have different filter specifications, and using the right ones ensures that your vacuum functions efficiently. Incorrect filters may lead to dust being released instead of being trapped.

3. Inspect the Hose and Attachments for Leaks:

  1. Visual Inspection: Begin by examining the hose and attachments of your Dirt Devil for any signs of leaks. Run your fingers along the hose, feeling for cracks or tears. Similarly, visually inspect attachments, ensuring there are no visible damages.
  2. Fixing Leaks: If you find any leaks or damages, consider fixing them accordingly. For minor leaks, you might use a patch or sealant suitable for your Dirt Devil’s materials. However, if the damage is significant, it might be best to consult professional assistance or contact Dirt Devil customer service for guidance.

A leak-free hose and attachments ensure that your Dirt Devil functions seamlessly, preventing dust from escaping during cleaning.

4. Consult the Dirt Devil User Manual or Customer Service:

  1. User Manual: Before proceeding further, refer to your Dirt Devil user manual. It contains valuable information and specific troubleshooting instructions tailored to your model. The manual guides you through potential issues and provides step-by-step solutions.
  2. Customer Service: If the problem persists or you need additional assistance, don’t hesitate to reach out to Dirt Devil customer service. They have experts ready to help you navigate through more complex issues. You can find contact details in your user manual or on the official Dirt Devil website.

Remember, the user manual and customer service are valuable resources to ensure you get the most out of your Dirt Devil and address any concerns effectively.


Troubleshooting and addressing the issue of your Dirt Devil spitting out dust can bring back the efficiency of your vacuum cleaner. By following these simple steps, you can ensure a cleaner home and a longer life for your Dirt Devil.

Remember, regularly emptying the dirt cup, cleaning or replacing filters, inspecting for leaks, and consulting the user manual or customer service are vital practices for maintaining your Dirt Devil’s peak performance.

Don’t let a dusty situation linger take action to enjoy a hassle-free cleaning experience with your Dirt Devil. Your clean home and well-functioning vacuum are just a few steps away.



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